Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Big Viacom Sues GOOG & YouTube Roundup

Source: Search

Yesterday, news came out about Viacom suing Google for $1 billion over alleged video copyright infringement on YouTube. With some dust settling, I thought it would be helpful to recap some of the analysis out there. I'm pulling this roundup mostly from coverage you'll find on Techmeme. Come along, and we'll go through the official company statements from both sides, the actual case, the importance of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's "safe harbor" provision and how Viacom scoured YouTube to build its case. More HERE

Meanwhile, WaPo reports: Google confident digital liability law protects it

Google Inc. (GOOG.O) is confident its popular video-sharing site YouTube and other Web services Google offers have strong legal protections under current copyright law, company attorneys said on Tuesday.

Media conglomerate Viacom Inc. (VIAb.N) ended six months of thinly veiled threats of legal action against YouTube earlier on Tuesday with a $1 billion lawsuit that accuses Google and YouTube of "massive intentional copyright infringement." More HERE

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